
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

days in the life of the butlers

Daddy must of taken this shot before church a few weeks back, because I did Sunday school and they both showed up FULLY dressed with shoes to church. AND yes, i layed clothes out but sometimes Ryan is not sure what goes with what...i am waiting for the day that Scarlett is in Willow's clothes, and yes, she can fit into them. We are thinking of just telling Scarlett that her clothes are in Willow's dresser.


I have waited long and hard for this spinner. This is the salad spinner from Pampered Chef that I have wanted for a long time. My bible study leader had a party and I so badly wanted to go and get this spinner. I prepped Ryan about it for like 2 weeks, to warn him that it wasn't cheap.

He told me to get it, so I felt ok spending it... (its like 60.00ish, ok, I am not sure i told him the final price, so don't tell him) I just told him it was expensive and sometimes when i tell him that, i think he thinks its 30.00...(not sure)


Scarlett was so excited to get a package in the mail. This one was a little different. She said, "what grandma mommy, what grandma?? and i thought to myself,
all the grandparents had sent packages for Easter, what is going on.

Well, it was from a dear friend from high school, that i have rekindled friendship with, Sonya Plummer, she had sent a package SPOILING the girls and myself...

ugh, the hairbows were SOOO cute and Willow really needed a baby suit too... Scarlett was so excited. I feel bad when Willow can start opening her own stuff because Scarlet might just lose it.
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It was really nice to get the package AND thank you grandparents for spoiling the girls. We really didn't do Easter baskets for the girls, maybe down the road we will get more into it and buy more. Scarlett got something little from mommy and daddy, and well, Willow got kisses and hugs (oh, and an egg)...

I did the resurrection eggs with Scarlett this year and she really enjoyed it. She is very into the tomb and the rock that was moved, because it had to have been SOOO heavy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Bunny in Daytona

We went to this little carnival thing in Daytona. Ryan saw it advertised and I guess since he just loves family fun day, we decided to go and see what was going on down in Daytona.

Scarlett loved the slide, she probably went down close to 30 times.


Scarlett loved the little rides that they had... as you can see, they had so many kids that they couldn't fit them all on the ride...


Daddy taking Scarlett on the carousel, she thought she was big stuff.


ok, really, group shot with the Easter Bunny

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The Golden Egg

Enjoying the weather we FINALLY have been getting. It has actually been a little chilly here in Florida, but in the past week it has really been nice.


Mommy and Scarlett ready for our first Easter egg hunt at the local towncenter.


Scarlett and Carina are little buddies, and we met up with them to go to the Easter Egg Hunt.


So get this.

Out of like tons and tons of eggs.

And maybe like...mmm... 100 kids.

The town center had ONE GOLDEN EGG>


and guess who got it

Yep, Scarlett

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We didn't realize that you get a big ol FireTruck for the prize.

Scarlett only got like 3 eggs.

Yep, one of them was GOLD.

To tell you the truth, she was more worried about keeping the egg then the truck.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

I have wonderful memories of my mom. One of which I knew I could always count on her. My mom has always been there for me. She was there when Scarlett was born and she came to Florida for when Willow was born. Thank you mom for being there for me, Happy Birthday!


Willow was just a few days old in this picture with her. She loved on her like she always loved me. Happy Birthday Mom.


Just a few months later, we took Willow up north to see everyone during the holidays. We were there for about 2 months. The holidays are a special time to spend with family. Thank you Mom for teaching me that. Happy Birthday


This is of my mom with Scarlett when she was just a year. It was always important to see and visit our grandparents when we were younger. Grandparents are such an important part of our family.


During my bible study that I am currently in which is called "Lord, change my attitude" I ran across a verse that I haven't read for awhile that made me think of my parents, especially my mom. I hope to do the same to my children. (and boy did i have an attitude growing up and YES, i still do...but don't worry, i am working on it)

"and these words which i commanded you today shall be in your heart, you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." Deuteronomy 6:6

Thank you mom for being such an awesome mom to all of your children (mmmm, 9 now through marriages, but who is counting) and all of your grandchildren.

We love you and hope you enjoyed your day, maybe it was on the lawn?
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Did you ever wonder?

Did you ever wonder what we get in the mail?

probably not, as I never really thought about it until just the other day.

it usually consist of daddy stuff and mommy stuff

Daddy usually gets his sports magazine and mommy loves to get the pottery barn magazine...

I bet you wondered...ha


Did you ever wonder what happens when we visit a consignment shop for kids?

Yep, I walk out with lots of stuff and usually lots of games.

I bought this Dora ABC game. But wasn't really impressed with it. So if you see it and you think you might want to buy it, I would pass. It just doesn't line up like it should. The letters and sounds are NOT beginning sound pictures. Good thing it only cost 1$, as I will just put it out for Scarlett to match letters and not really talk about the pictures on the other side for sound (it will confuse her) ...just like i probably confused you..

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Ayden

Our little friend Ayden had his 2nd Birthday at the park. Every Thursday, a group of girls from church has a playdate and it usually is at the park but sometimes other places. Usually if its one of the kids birthdays, we do the cupcake thing.

Happy Birthday Ayden. (he is in the red shirt)


Scarlett eating cupcakes...LOVES the icing and then calls it quits.


I was trying to get a picture with Scarlett and she wouldn't pose, so I got one with Caleb first. He comes to our small group learning time on Fridays. His mom, Elizabeth sets up our playdates on Fridays and she is such a wonderful friend.


Finally, got a picture of Scarlett and I at the park. I tend to not get in pictures as I seem to be taking them OFTEN. Willow was chillin in the stroller.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day in the Life

Scarlett working on clothes on her magnet board. This week we were talking about how ...i is for igloo, and you have to be warm to be in the snow and etc.


Scarlett is such a big girl helper, she helped me mop the entire kitchen floor. I thought it would last for 5 minutes, but she helped until the very end. mmmm, maybe one more year and I won't even have to do it...tempting.


So, I know you would think that our little Princess Scarlett would NEVER act out.

Ha, I am so not that parent. I wish I was.

We had to do a little grumpy and happy chart. (7 dwarf theme)

It was this whole scenario:

i wanttttt milk, i neeeedddd paint, i don't like that, grr, ahhh,

we couldn't take the attitude anymore, so we told her that when she makes us happy like "excuse me, or thank you, or yes please, or can i have please have...then she would get a happy face.


Now that we have done it for about 4 days, it has made a big difference, I just hope after the chart that it continues.

We had been talking about going to Disney around Ryan's birthday, so we will see if that is her reward...However, we are thinking the FREE downtown Disney would suit her fine.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Swing

So, we needed a new swing. The motor on our original one shut down. So I called many consignment stores and went on (which is an awesome site) and finally found a graco swing just like ours.

You are probably wondering why it had to be just like ours.
I am a little bit of a germ freak when it comes to thinking that lots of babies might have thrown up or dogs were sitting in the swings....soooo,

We took our swing and put it into the other swing that was just like ours.

Here it is.... you wouldn't even know it.


However, Scarlett had to check out the old swing. It was cute and actually pretty clean because it was brand new, but we switched the seats out anyways. 40$ folks, yep, for a brand new swing!! Yep, thats it!!

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We just didn't want to go out and buy a new swing to store until the next child.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Willow at 3 months...


Scarlett is always taking such good care of her sissy.
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Our little peanut

These are some pictures from the holidays as well. Willow was about 3 1/2 months.

Willow was all dressed up in Pink and we were heading to the Lehman Christmas.


Can you ever put enough pink on a girl??


Aunt Ashley helped me out by taking WIllow for a little so that I could chat.


Pappaw chillin with Willow.
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Sticky Things

Stick it here


Stick it there


Stick it everywhere


Thanks to Nana and Pappaw, Scarlett used the sticky "happy easter" things everywhere. They were SUPPOSE to go on the window. They were on the window for about 15 minutes and Scarlett asked if she could take them and put them somewhere else. I said sure as they were like gel like things. Within days, they were spread throughout the house and it was just TOOOO funny as i found them everywhere.

Finally, I gathered them up today and told her that she can only use them on the counter. This is what she ended up doing with them.

She tried explaining her pattern to me.


THanks Nana and Pappaw, we can't wait to send you some stickies when Scarlett comes to your house next....
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Where is the camera?

Scarlett with the camera.


Daddy with the camera.


Scarlett with the camera.

Daddy with the camera.

Scarlett was trying to line up her dolls for a picture. Ryan was lining up his product for a picture. I think I better line them both up...
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By the way, Dunkin Donuts is his stuff
you better drink it, its no fluff
it will make you stronger and so tuff
pick the orange stuff and that will be enough.