
Monday, June 28, 2010

Just me and my girls

When we got back from Ohio,
pretty much the next night we adventured out to the

It was a little belated birthday dinner
and we so much fun!!

I hardly ever get in any pictures with the girls since the camera
is like glued to my arm pit.

so my wonderful camera man, grabbed the camera and took a few shots.

Willow bean and Mommy

Walking out to the ocean.

Thanks honey for the wonderful pictures, and wonderful memories. I will forever remember that care free night out at the beach, with no where to go and nothing to do but enjoy my family.
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other random pics from a fun night

Tori, my neice and Scarlett enjoying the view.

Munching on some oreo's before dinner arrives.

no oreo's for Willow, she loves her green beans.

daddy and Scarlett.... as Scarlett tries to escape out of the picture.

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Sea Shells and more

Tori loving the seashells that she found.

Our family..
Thanks Tori for taking great pics!!

The girls loving the water.

This is a great picture except for the fact that Scarlett felt the need to pull her dress ALL the way up.
What a hot mess...

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Take a look in the mirror

So let me tell you
have you ever looked through the mirror
and felt that well
needed readjusted
or did you think there was a crack in the mirror
or maybe did you step back and take a look at

On our way home from Ohio. I did.

See earlier I had hit a mailbox and I broke our rearview mirror. We didn't have time to fix it before we left for Ohio because we had to special order it. But I found this picture interesting in many ways.

1. the mirror was 85.00 to replace
2. i wanted to blame the mailbox that didn't move
3. i wanted to blame the fact that i was rollerblading at 6:30 and it was just tooo early to drive
4. we looked like trailor park trash with the rubberband, tape and crack in the 13$ dollar mirror
5. how often do we think people look at us as a perfect mirror, but yet sometimes we have been broken or needed taped back together
6. are we happy with what we see in the mirror?
7. would we say things if we only had the mirror in front of us to look at?
8. what does God see in our mirrors? and does he like the reflection?
9. I am needing to work daily on what i want my reflection to be to others....

thanks broken mirror, i needed that 85$ lesson.

and since we had the camera out and rolling in the car.... we took a picture of the tunnel for the girls.

they were very spoiled in the car the ENTIRE way back to Florida. But anything to keep them happy.

We finally made it back to Florida, safe and sound
3 kids
2 adults
1 speeding ticket( whooping big ticket)(again, my fault)
0 broken mirrors.

you guessed it, it fell off about a mile down the road.
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On our way out of town

Because of our little precious cousins funeral,
we drove to Ohio for Sage's in June,
so needless to say,
we usually fly,
but this time we had to drive.

On the way out of town we stopped at the Clark's House.
We heard they were having a garage sale.

It was so nice to see all the little cousins.

Ryan with little Mia. (Tom and Cristin's little baby)
Check out their blog here.

Aunt Brenda with little Oscar. We loved seeing how big he was getting.

Mia loves to stick her little tongue out!! Tooo Cute!!!

Scarlett and Avery just loving every minute they get to spend together.

It was wonderful to go to Ohio and visit with family, we were so excited to bring our little neice Tori
back home with us for a few weeks before her family came into town.
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Friday, June 25, 2010

Tea and Girls

So girls and tea parties go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Scarlett got a tea set for doing so good at her doctor's appointment in Ohio.
She had lots of x-rays and blood work done for well, personal reasons.

Anyways, she loves spending time with her cousins and so one day they had a little tea party at Aunt Beth's House.

Tori, Emily and Scarlett eating and drinking.

The girls having so much fun!!

Later in the day we went over to Grandma I-I's house and the girls loved having
Willow crawl over to them, they were enticing her with a doll baby.

Later while the boys were in the shop with the airplane, the girls cruised in the girls "jeeper."
Scarlett calls her jeep...jeeper ??? yah, we are not sure where that comes from either.

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Boys and their planes.

Grandpa I-I or as Scarlett calls him
Grandpa cool beans
is in the middle or almost done with building another plane.

Kaden or as we all call him
LOVES airplanes.

So we brought him with us one day to check out the plane.

                                     He sat in the cockpit and loved all the controls.

                                         He even looked and analzyed the plans on how to build it.

                                  We had so much fun that hot, sunny day in Ohio learning about planes.

                                    As you can tell, Willow loved it too!!!!
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Thursday, June 24, 2010


One of my ALL time
favorite memories
of when I was growing up
would be
with my Uncle Dale and Aunt Beth (and my cousins)

Well, now my cousins have kids... below

with Scarlett

and we went out on the boat and it was sooo much fun!! Scarlett loved it!!

mommy loved it, but i love this smile on Scarlett!!

and especially love this smile that Uncle Dale flashed!!

Thanks Pelfreys for all the wonderful memories on the boat> I hope that Scarlett enjoys the water and boating as much as I do!!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Its the easy life

Scarlett and her jeeper...
Thanks Aunt Ashley for filling her up.

came home one afternoon to my kids eating together with Grandma I-I.

The girls and Trace having ANOTHER tea party by the pool at Grandma Hartzlers.

Love love love this picture.
This is so delicate.
So innocent
and so simple.

picking berries in grandma and grandpa hartzler's backyard.
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Monday, June 21, 2010

Going to the Zoo, ZOo, ZOoo

The girls hanging out as penguins.

Scarlett and Kora loved the zoo and all the little animals.

Aunt Joy and Kora were so kind in inviting us to go to the Akron Zoo with their playgroup. We go to Ohio often and it was so much fun to visit this zoo again. We are thinking of buying a pass for the year.  Take a look at her blog as she posted about the zoo too.

Scarlett and her turtle. She thought it was moving so she was high tailing it out of there.

Thanks Aunt Joy and Kora for the fun day at the Zoo. We love the jellyfish museum too!!
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Sunday, June 20, 2010


One of the Sunday's that we were in town, we celebrated Eli's birthday. He was so excited about his "cowboy" birthday.


An all time favorite...opening presents.


Later in the week, we had a tea party with a few cousins.

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