
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monkeyin around

Sweet Candy Peterson is having her 3rd little boy in March.  We threw her a shower at April's house and had so much fun.

One of the Monkey Cakes that the girls made.

Our chocolate fun!!

and the yummy food.  Check out Candy's blog here.
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Alumni Night

Ryan and I went away for a night to Celebration to celebrate an alumni event for Ashland University.  I graduated with my masters a few years ago, so now we try to attend some fun events.

This was everyone in our location.  The students in the front are doing their field experience in Florida all the way from Ashland University.  I met up with some amazing people!!   Mr. Ebanks (who has an amazing non-profit organization) AND who just happens to own my dream home on Crescent Beach. (i will find the picture and post later).  Mr. Hendershott, he does workshops on helping children who are wounded.  I have been following his wifes blog for some time now and didn't even realize that I would one day meet him.

So, get ready for a story.  Ryan and I walk in and one of the first people that comes up to us is Fred Fink.  After chatting for a few minutes, I ask him what he does and he says, I am the President of the University.  I could have crawled under a table.  I knew what he looked like from looking at alumni info but never thought he would be in Celebration for our little get together.

We stayed at the host location and the Autograph Bohemian hotel was just beautiful.  This is me outside our room.  It was amazing to get away for one night.  Thanks to Grandma I-I for coming down and babysitting the girls for a night out.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wrap UP

After our Cambodia trip, we all met up at Beth Allen's house to review and talk about our trip.  (Beth is on the far right)

During the course of the trip, our Pastor (to the right) and Pete brought raw and nasty bug like creatures to one of our evening meetings in Cambodia.  So, I thought that taking a "Mud Dessert" would be fun.

This is Mr. Phil and I in Cambodia.  This man was an incredible role model to me while in Cambodia.  I will be forever grateful for my experience and I was honored to visit his country with him.  The heartache of that country is unbearable, but he wears a smile.  He knows that God is doing amazing things to help his people recover and come to know Him.
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Happy Birthday Aubrey

We were invited to a birthday party that was themed around a "fashion show" for Strawberry Shortcake. (ps, this is Jessica Farmer who mommy went to Cambodia with, she is a hairstylist.)

The birthday girl, Aubrey is the girl to the right of Scarlett with the beautiful fluffy skirt.  Aubrey's mom made all the girls skirts.  It was ADORABLE.  You can check our their blog HERE.

Scarlett was a bit tired from a long day at church, a baptism and then a birthday party.  But, she hung in there and talks about "Aubrey's party" all the time.
The girls opening their treat bags.  We will cherish these fun little memories at such a precious age!

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Precious Scarlett

One morning before church, Scarlett really wanted to wear heels.  So she found my red ones and was about to strut her stuff.

I love this stage in my girls.  I am already missing it!
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Happy Birthday Grayson

The Ronk family is like our family.  We celebrate birthdays with them, we do holidays together and hang out on the weekends.

Grayson turned 6 in Feb, and the park was the perfect spot to have it.

The kids were running around on soccer field and the girls were cheering them on.

Willow was enjoying the luxury of anytime juice.

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Friday, February 18, 2011


We went to the zoo on a "free" day and we had so much fun.

We had about 6 of us moms go and take all of our children, we probably looked like one big ol hot mess of moms.

Of course, the girls loved the "elephant park" the best.

And they loved running around the food court tree even better, so much for the animals.
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Going to the zoo

Scarlett, Willow and mommy were off to the Zoo.

We saw the elephants.

We fed the giraffes.

It was so cool seeing them this close.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

We can't wait to meet you

One of my dear friends down here in the south is adding an addition to her family.... Addie Grace,
check out her blog:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Closest thing to a Pet

Our poor children.  They just stand at the mirror in amazement, anxiously thinking this might be the day that mommy and daddy get a pet.

They could look and WANT all day, but we are not pet lovers.  We tell them that their stuffed animals are pets, our friends animals are pets but most of all, the Pet Store pets are our pets.  Sound good?
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let's go back

Let's go back to the snow.  I found these pictures on my camera for when we were up north.  BRRRRR

It was the first part of Feb and it was sooo cold.  We are so thankful for Florida sunshine on these types of days.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

We love Valentine's Day.

It means that the girls get packages from Ohio and they can hardly stand it.

The girls even got a few things from mommy and daddy.

Even from her new little cousins that are going to arrive this summer.  (Uncle Dan and Aunt Ashley are pregnant with twins.)
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Diet Time

Ryan and I have officially started a diet.  It is part of a 12 week program called Hart2Heart.  It started on Valentines Day for the HARTzler family.  Our pot is high and who ever loses the biggest amount of body fat percentage wins.  I have about 10 lbs and I am not sure how much Ryan wants to lose.  I made this Tuna fillet for supper one night and its super healthly.  I just sprinkled steak pepper seasoning on it.  Put it on the skillet for about 3 minutes on each side.  Put some fresh salsa on it, with a doulop of fresh tomato's chopped up and thats about it.  YUMMO!!  You are suppose to serve it with rice, but we are trying to watch our carbs.
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