
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stars on Ice

We enjoy going to watch "Smuckers Stars on Ice."  Since Grandma and Grandpa were in town, they watched Willow for us so we could enjoy the show with Scarlett. 

We were right on the ice and it was a great show.

I know this isn't the classiest of pictures but this was Scarlett giving the skaters high five.  We had other friends join us but we didn't get a group picture this year.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Grandparents Visit

Grandpa and Grandma Hartzler come to Florida every year.  It is always nice to look forward to because after the holidays are over, they come around March and April.  It seems to break up our spring and its nice to have family around.

Of course, Grandpa was barely in the door and I put my "handyman" to work under the sink.  And of course, Scarlett had to check help.

While Grandpa and Grandma were helping me around the house, I found the girls outside reading books.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011


Did I ever tell you how much Scarlett LOVES, I mean LOVES getting packages or mail?

One of the best purchases that we have ever bought for our children has been the Fisher Price Playhouse.  If we let her, Scarlett would play for hours by herself with all her little people, the cars, the kitchen and all the little pieces.  The pieces and all the accessories are perfect for this age. 
This is just a close up of the little kitchen table and all the fixings.

The girls love them some babies and strollers.... They are ALL over the house ALL the time.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011


Our sweet friend Candy (and Darren Peterson) had little Zach on March 12, 2011.  We are so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends, and especially if they are having precious little ones.  Our girls are such good friends with their other two boys.

At the same time that Candy had her baby should have been around the same time my sister Joy had her baby.  However, baby Flint is up in Heaven.  These two babies will forever be remembered together to me.  This is a picture of our girls flying to Ohio to attend Flint's burial service.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just girls

My girls are so much fun.  Willow is a hoot and Scarlett just tells her what to do.
Willow is starting to talk more and more.

Scarlett seems to do more and more artwork.

And likes to wear heels more and more.
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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Bathroom Remodeling

We are remodeling our bathroom.  It is a hot mess.

It hasn't been the easiest thing we have done but more details are yet to come.
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