
Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today we officially wore pants and a jacket. I don't think our temps reached above 65. I guess in Florida every so often we have days that get below 80!! lol

Sidenote: Scarlett loved her little jacket that grandma bought for her!!


CristinB said...

We had our first snow here yesterday, and it wasn't just a few actually covered the ground!!!

Angie said...

Freezing whatever - they had the snow plows out in Cleveland this morning! Miss you and can't wait to see you next month!

mammabaltic said...

It better not be!!

Bob123456ugfdstrewtq said...
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Bob123456ugfdstrewtq said...

i just got my "florida pharmacy intern license" in the mail today... can't wait for january, it better warm back up by the time i get there...