
Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a wonderful day!

- it seems that its a great day for picnics and parties
- its a great day to remember those who serve our country
- its a great day to go to parades
- it was always a great day to have off of school
- its a great day to wear red, white and blue
-it seems to kick off your summer

Today, we are going to a picnic at the park with our friends from church, we are in a small group study. Mostly everyone that is in the group is around our age and have kids around the age group of elementary and below. Right now we are studying "'making children mind without losing yours" by kevin leman ... good stuff and its great to hear what others are doing with their children, although we have a lot to learn and not much to deal with at the age of 2.

After the picnic, for supper, we are going to Justin's 3rd birthday party. His mom has been a friend of mine way before Justin started school this year with Scarlett. It is so nice to go and see all of my girlfriends that I don't get to see on a weekly basis, because scarlett and i have been in school.

- 9 more days until we are done with school for the summer
- i am just dying to drink diet coke
- i drank like 3 mountain dews at the cavs game last night
- ugly cavs game last night
- i think ryan is wanting to go to game 6... but we are suppose to be in sarasota...

i will post some pictures of our weekend!!

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