
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grass Camera

This might be the most random post I have ever posted.


In our subdivision, right when you pull in, this is the yard.

yep, yuck!!


I know, it doesn't look so great, so while I mowed it, Scarlett took pictures.

I might add that I don't even mow my own yard.

I found this one on the camera and it was too cute. It was her taking a picture of the mirror. (it was one of about 30) but it kept her in the car while I mowed.


And speaking of finding random pictures take a look at these below.


She loves her princesses and well, I was wondering where my running watch was since I haven't worn it for a while...yep, I am not doing so good with my diet. I lost 4-5 lbs and then put a few back on.

Back to the drawing board, yes, back to my diet
and back to Scarlett taking more pictures.

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