
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana

Happy Birthday to Nana

Happy Birthday to you.

Nana is afraid of water and quite frankly didn't even want to walk out on this bridge.  Scarlett told her not to worry, she would help her.  Ryan flies often and he says that everytime he fly's over water, he thinks of her and how nervous she would get over water....hehehe. 

We are so lucky to have Shari in our lives.  She is such a sweet mother in law to me and has always been since the day I met her.  She loves the girls so much and is always wondering how they are doing.  (which is also why I blog).  Recently we sent her Shari's berries (for those of you that know her, it should have been her business) but we can't thank her enough for all the kindness and love she shows to us.  Her two boys are yet to get married and their wives are going to be so lucky to know the mother -in-law that I know.  Happy Birthday Nana and we hope you had a great day.
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Monday, August 30, 2010

August Wrap-UP

Birthdays are so much fun.  A friend who had a baby at the same time of Willow, celebrated little "Alex" birthday.  We had a little outdoor party and lots of fun.

Back to learning time, I am hoping to update my educational blog.  Time just seems to slip and spending time with my family has taken over my blog life.  Scarlett is digging through the beans to find the animals that go in the "farm" and "zoo" bins.  It was for "A week."

Scarlett is putting her Adam and Eve book together. (do you love the face?) 
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy for real Birthday Willow

Our sweet princess is ONE.

It's official, she is soo much fun and a happy baby.

She is a picky eater (although you won't be able to tell)

Willow bean:
- you are sleeping from about 7-6:30
- you wake up for a bottle, but that is ALL about to change, ONE=no more bottles
- you have really never even held your own bottle = not cool
- you have no interest in "baby food" anymore, you want the good stuff
- you will eat #3 baby food because it has chunks in it
- we are trying to get you to drink out of a sippy, and you will go ALL day to hold out for your night bottle.
- you LOVE water
- you ADORE your sissy and follow her around like B follows A
- you are taking steps, but not quite walking
- you take one nice long nap in the afternoon
- you are wearing #4 diapers
- you are in clothes anywhere from 12 months - 2T, depending on the brand and etc.
- you love the nursery at church, the nursery at the gym and any kids who will play with you
- you are saying momma, dadda, mmmm (like yummy) after you eat, you shake your head no when you really mean it (like when you are done eating)
- you LOVE yogurt melts and Fruit/Veg juice boxes
- you sweat like your daddy
- you are at the 100% for your height and 52% for your weight.
- you will fight and hit Scarlett to get something that you want... crazy, spanking is in full force
- you fake cry when i say "no"
- we can't believe you are already one, you are such a big girl and we love you

She is our little rockstar!!
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Go Bucks

Fight the team across the field.  If you click on the following link you will hear Scarlett singing the fight song.  She learned it back in May and I always forget to record it.  I will have to record it again because she had a stuffy nose!  But, the Buckeye's won their first game of the season.  GO BUCKS!!
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Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Liam and Trista

Happy Birthday 4th Birthday Trista  and 2nd Birthday Liam.

The kids loved the splash bouncy house at the party.  (notice Scarlett...she is the one with the big ol flower in her hair)

It amazes me how the kids just love watching presents.

Scarlett and her sunchips.  She could live off of sun chips.
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

More Fun, Fun

Once a month, I try to make it to a fun game called, Bunco.  However, with Ryan's work schedule I don't always make it.  A few of us got together and went to a place called "The Dish."

One of my greatest joys is staying home with the girls.  This is the crazy stuff that we do!  Scarlett is usually silly and Willow is usually cheering her on.  It's usually one hot mess. 

Scarlett LOVES her babies.  I mean she LOVES her babies.  One day, she was trying to tell me to be quiet because they were sleeping. 

Scarlett's little buddy Conner came over after finishing his first week of school.  His mom told him if he was good all week then by Friday he could come to "Ms. Jill's" house.  (i love to be the reward house)
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh Fun, Fun

It is so nice to get together with some girlfriends and just chill out.  We were celebrating Kristen's birthday (she is in the middle, right behind Jill).  We went to this winery type of place and it was nice to catch up on how excited they all are to go back to teaching.  I met all of these girls by finishing my masters at their school.  Now, they have scattered across the district. 

Hanging out at McDonalds is usually what we do when we are BORED and its RAINING. 

Sweet little Kira and Scarlett posing at the library.  We went to the library one day to hang out with some girls from our church playgroup.  Please pray for Kira's mommy as she is due in December. 

Our sweet and dear friends, The Rife family.  Over the years in Palm Coast, we have become close to them. 
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thanks mom and dad

yes, early in the morning mom was up making eggs...and yes Willow was helping... and NO, she didn't get burnt.

Thanks mom and dad for the great weekend, our family had so much fun!  I wish I would have taken more pictures.  I guess i was tooo busy by the pool relaxing WITHOUT kids.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fun Times

Chilling out by the pool, and yes my mom is behind them laying out.  It was nice to see her relaxing too!

If you look closely, you will see Scarlett playing in the waterfall, trying to tell Adam that "its ok" we are allowed to play in here. 

We took Adam and Scarlett to a playzone one evening.  We had a lot of fun.  We were going to go putt-putting but it was raining.  In the picture, Scarlett was more worried about her "tickets" then any game we played.

Our new "treats or prizes" to Scarlett will be tickets.  These little cheap tickets made her night.  Adam wanted to cash them in for prizes but Scarlett wanted to keep them...
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Daddy bonding time

Willow bean loves to crank out a big ol smile.

Daddy is such a hard worker and does great at his job.  It has him on the road a lot, so this was a nice get away for us with my parents.  He was able to spend some great times with his girls.  (especially while mommy relaxed by the pool).
Playing play-doh with the girls on the porch.

Ok, i know what you are thinking...does he have any clothes on....
yes, we have girls, he has his swimming trunks on.  This was so much fun because Scarlett had a slide into the tub and willow just went nutso (as daddy calls it).
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Monday, August 16, 2010

Down South

My parents were flying into the Miami/Ft. Lauderale area and we met them down south.  It was a nice relaxing weekend.  My dad preached in a church and we were his support team.

making a pit stop at 5 guys

Swimming at the hotel pool

I had to take a picture of the cadilac that daddy rented.  He flew into Miami to meet us, so we had to return his rental car back to the airport.  He loved his "young guy" looking car.

Cousins chilling out in the condo lobby.  Adam and seemed that you had to wait forever for the elevator to come up to our level.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goodbye Ohio, Hello Florida

so before we left for the airport...the girls were pretending to drive to Florida

oh so sad, the amount of luggage is just out of control

We made it back safely and mommy was still alive, flying solo with the girls.  Willow was glad to be back in her own car, on her turf.
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