
Sunday, August 01, 2010


Scarlett wondering where Grandma Ingold was...

Usually when we are in Ohio, we make a little stop at the cemetery.  However, on this particular drive back the long lane that day, I was once again talking to Scarlett about where Grandma Ingold and her little cousins were.  Hence the picture above, I guess she thought we were driving to heaven, she was so disappointed that Grandma wasn't there.

She was trying to show her little cousins, Sawyer and Sage her new shoes, and felt the need to stand right on top of the stone.  The grave site isn't completely done yet as it was about a monthish anniversary when we were there.  I am sure Jason and Crystal could use your prayers as things have passed and are probably a lot calmer around them, but probably not in their hearts.  They are for sure missing those little boys and we know their boys are in His hands.  

I just happened to take my camera with me, not expecting Scarlett to really comprehend things.  I told her we were leaving and thought she was behind me.  As I turned around, I caught this picture, as she was complexed and uncertain where "people were."  We walked away, and she said, "I wonder if He has ballons at his party."
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