
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stories, stories and more

After learning time this morning.

We went to story time at the library, (but I forgot my camera)

The park is right beside the library, so we spent the afternoon there.
I am usually full of stories, but the story that Scarlett and Willow listened to today was a Dr. Seuss "The Lorax."  It was nice to have the girls listen to someone else tell a story.  Which speaking of stories, did you notice Willow's blond hair?  
I think the story behind that is:
1.  she might get it from her momma who bleaches her hair...mmmm
2.  the sun fades it as fast as it grows in
3.  the sunscreen that I style into her hair makes it look white
4.  i might just color it, i guess you will never know 
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