
Friday, October 29, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba

Scarlett loves Yo Gabba Gabba.  She doesn't get to see Carina too much since she is in school.  So we were off for a girls night out. 

It was so nice to go somewhere special with Scarlett.  I want time with each of my children in their own ways. 

She didn't stop smiling.

Afterwords we took them out for ice cream.  She was such a good listener the entire night.  I told her we weren't buying anything at the show and she did great.  She just begged a little for the 15$ glow stick.  Of course I had to treat her at the end of the night for being able to go somewhere and enjoy it without all the bells and whistles.  (ok, so maybe i wanted a coffee by the end of the night at DD)
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