
Saturday, November 20, 2010

November in a nutshell

Willow bean playing in Nana's sandbox when it wasn't so chilly in Ohio.

We went out for sushi while we were in Ohio with the Hartzler Family.  Here is Kora, Lizzie and Scarlett!

I babysat for Amy (my sister) and this is 2 of her 7 children while Milan and Amy went on a mini-vacation.  This picture was taken about 10 minutes before Scarlett pulled her arm out of her socket. (Maid something arm) Aunt Joanna came over to save the day and pop it back into place.  I had a great time with the kids all week.  It was so much fun having a ton of kids around.  So glad they all weren't mine, I might have lost my mind!!  lol
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