
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

A few weeks ago, Grayson called his "uncle Ryan" and "ms. Jill" to invite them to his citizenship award ceremony for Thurs. night.  We have enjoyed the "other" Jill and Ryan in our lives and they are like family to us.  We have tried to support them and their kids in their things since their family is not able to go to their events either.  When my sister Joy was in labor with our little precious Flint.  We weren't able to get plane tickets quick enough so we were able to go and support little Grayson during his awards ceremony that Thursday evening.

All the kids.... they have become so close through the years.

It was nice to spend time with our "florida" family before Joy delivered.

It made it a little bit easier to take the bite and realize that I couldn't be there with my family, at Baskin Robbins I got the call that it would be anytime.  Well, about 2 hours later she delivered Flint in Akron, Ohio.  He went to be with Jesus and his funeral is on Monday, Jan. 31st.  I don't have a lot of pictures yet, but head on over to my sister Joy's blog for some pictures and more details. 
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