
Friday, September 30, 2011

New baby in town

Our sweet Maren is now a big sister.  We let her use Scarlett's "big sister" shirt.  And the reason being.....

Sweet James Owen came into this world.

Ryan and Jill had baby Owen on Tuesday, Sept.27th.  He was 6.6 and 19 1/2 inches.  I was going to be watching their children while they went out on one last date, but Owen had other plans.  Talking to Jill early in the morning on that beautiful Tuesday warmed my heart.  She started labor very early but went into the hospital after dropping off her kids.  She has the most beautiful family and we are so honored to be their friends.  We actually feel like family.  Our girls love their kids and now they are so excited to welcome the newest addition.  I know how hard it is to be away from family and her family lives in Canada.  I can't wait as soon I am having a little celebration party when Owen is about 2 months.  It is to celebrate how thankful we are for a healthy, happy, sleeping good baby.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Go Team Go

Scarlett participated in a cheer camp. 

put on by our sweet friend, the cheerleading coach, Jenna

and she just couldn't get enough

she had so much fun and still does the cheers to this day.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Pictures

Our sweet Willow turned 2 at the end of August.  We ventured off to the St. Augustine park to take pictures.  She is wearing size 5 diapers but wants to wear panties.  She improves in talking every month.  She loves to follow her sissy around and do everything that Scarlett is doing.  They adore each other, but fight at the same time.  Both girls are in the same shoe size and almost in the same size clothes.  Willow is wearing 2T-3T clothes.  She is really long so most things are short on her.  She loves books.  She loves carts and babies.  She loves Mickey Mouse.  She loves shoes and jewelry, and usually has to have bracelets on often.  She loves to dance.  She is sleeping great through the night.  She loves looking at Christmas pictures.      We love you Willow!!
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Monday, September 26, 2011


We have been baking lately.  We have been making cupcakes, cookies and much more.  The girls love to spread that flour everywhere!!
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Saturday, September 24, 2011


The girls are going to start sleeping in the same bed.  Scarlett is a rockstar sleeper.  However, Willow is a different story.

Willow still sleeps in her crib.  I have to tell you, we might wait awhile to put her in the big bed.  I like the thought of laying her in her crib and she goes to sleep all night, I fear what will happen when they are going to sleep in the same bed....

This is a familiar picture in the evenings.  Scarlett petting Willow.
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Friday, September 23, 2011


Tara and I started a little Thursday preschool group again.  We have 6 kids right now, but we will be increasing it to 9.

We teach them a bible story, read books and do little activities.

Scarlett on the other hand loves her school.  She goes to First Baptist Academy.  I am thrilled with what she is doing there.

Willow on the other hand stays home with me and she tends to love going into the garage, sitting in an extra car seat and reading books.... its rather funny to watch.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Scarlett joined in on the Pedro Mendenaz Cheerleading squad for a week.

She had so much fun and will cheer at the Friday night football game.

Ms. Jenna is a dear and sweet friend, my kids adore her and she is the head cheerleading coach.  Scarlett was the youngest at the camp but Jenna really wanted to see if she would come.

Scarlett loved watching the big girls....she is still cheering all the time.
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Video Shoot

I love these cookies from Cookie Cousins.  Find them on facebook and like their page!  I will be ordering some because they are soooo yummy!  This cookie talks about

I was honored to be a part of the video shoot for the Florida Hospitals.  It is amazing that women all over Florida will view this video and I will be talking on it.  (I know that doesn't surprise you....talking +jill= hot mess).  When women in the state of Florida join the pink army, they can choose to host a "pink party,"  the hospital gives them a video to show at their party and I am guessing that is what this shot was for.  I am usually all hands in on supporting and don't really ask questions. 

I had a blast.  I am so thankful for all the help of my girlfriends who babysat for my kids.  I couldn't have done the day/afternoon/evening without the help of friends pitching in to help me.  THANKS!!!

Love, LOVE this ballon fun!!  Wishing I would have brought the girls with me as they really would have been entertained popping each of these ballons. 

Of course, since I was in Orlando and we don't have a sonic where I live....the obvious was to stop and get a fruit sonic shake...YUMMY!! There burgers and fries are wonderful too, or so I hear.

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With October around the corner, the Florida Hospital's in Florida are keeping me busy with the campaign.

I have been involved with some advertisements.

Yep, I think they just asked me a question that I was not ready for.

If you haven't joined the pink army, please do so to help spread the awareness.  Go to and enlist, then when it says who referred you, enter in my name.  This campaign in Central Florida is spreading fast across the state.  It is a great cause and I am so excited to be a part of it.  Catching this disease early gives a cure, catching it too late can cost a life.  I encourage you that if you haven't had a yearly exam to go and do it.  The other catch is that it benefits your children too.  Research has shown know that if the parents don't have it, the chances are less likely for the children.  (although not true in all cases)  Thank you!
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Scarlett loved using Suzanne's i-pad.  I have joked that by the time we get one of these techy instruments it will be called a q-pad. 

Alex, Jake and Dave came to Florida for the same weekend as the race.  They actually ran the event and then later on went down to Miami to watch the Buckeyes.  When they got back we went out to this wonderful sushi place in old St. Augustine.

The platters were beautiful and super yummy.  We are so thankful for all the support of everyone visiting us at all different times of the year.  Thanks boys for the great weekend!

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Global Missions 5k

After months of planning,

and volunteers registering more then 200 runners

that started off with a prayer from our pastor

and the National Anthem sung by Ms. Juhyla

The Global Missions 5k was off to a great start.

The food was amazing.

Sponsors, runners and volunteers came from everywhere

but after coordinating the event, Mommy could still be mommy

and have so much fun with her girls
and take in every precious moment from the event, the cause and the kids.  Can't get better then that.