
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Lances Yearly Visit

Since we have been in Florida, Joel and Jackie Lance have visited the Daytona area about every year.  It has been a treat for us because at the end of summer we are ready for some "ohio."  It was Jackie's birthday this year while they were here so the girls were thrilled to celebrate.  They use the time-share kinda option and that has enabled them to visit the Daytona Beach is such a treat for us!

This is a picture from last year when they were here.  This year they stayed in Ormond Beach.  This year was especially nice to have them as Ryan and I were really needing some friends that we have had for a LONG time sharing that week with us.  We are so thankful for our friendships across the globe but so thankful for the friendships that are near and dear to us. 
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