
Friday, May 18, 2012

Prego pics

Someone in our house loves to pretend she is pregnant.  In the past week or so I have been trying to get an updated picture since I knew I was around 30 weeks. It is usually Scarlett taking the picture, so here is her pose....ha

However, Scarlett was able to pull this picture off last week at 28 weeks.
Of course, I love the pictures that I randomly find on my camera of my sweet, innocent girls.
Scarlett claimed that Willow had the camera....mmmm.....Doesn't look like Willow took this picture.
So with the hot mess last week, I tried to take a picture myself.  (Where is Ryan? well, every time I think of taking a picture its when we are heading out the door and I just never have him take one....hopefully in the next 10 weeks I can get one)
Then, Scarlett was able to get this picture of my boy.... at 29 weeks....although I have no head in the picture, I thought its better then nothing.  I can't believe we only have about 10 more weeks left.  This boy is a lot different then the girls pregnancy.  This little guy loves to kick and move around a lot.  I am trying not to consider that things feel differently because I am getting older with each pregnancy, who would have thought?
I even tried to set the timer, and well obviously that gave this nice shadow of a picture....Needless to say, I am not so good at taking pictures with me in them.  I love to take pictures of the girls and others but just not myself.  A girlfriend said she wanted a "real picture of the belly."  I told her I posted a few on my blog and she said,"no, you know the ones that show your actual belly"....I told her she would probably never see them.  I guess she will have to drive up from Florida to see me!!
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Jamie said...

I'm 29 wks, too, but having a girl. After 2 boys, I'm super excited! You will love having a little boy in your house! :)

How neat that your daughter takes your pictures. My oldest is almost 3 so who knows what kind of a picture I would get if he was in charge. ;)

Popping over from Kelly's linkup!

Anonymous said...

Oh you look so cute!!! I always find random pics on my camera too! LOL

mel @ the larson lingo said...

You look great! I am 28 weeks with #3. My older daughter loves taking pics of me (and random stuff also!)