
Thursday, July 05, 2012

the day after the 4th

This is Scarlett with the twins. (Becca and Leah) at the Cupcake Shoppe in downtown Wooster.  It was Joy's birthday so we decided to go out for morning cupcakes.....however..... 
Aunt Joy sorta flipped the party and had a few of my friends show up to surprise me.  Willow was all over Ms. Suzanne at the cupcake shoppe.  I was totally caught off guard as some of my closest friends started to roll in.  I guess Joy claimed she never threw me a 30th so she decided to do it 2 years late and ON her birthday.  Needless to say, I was a little upset with her.
Later on in the evening, we actually went back downtown to eat at Broken Rocks on the square.  If you click on the link you will see how cute the place is inside for some yummy food!  Grandma I-I came after work with Aunt Ashley.  This was outside on the square and I just love this picture and the picture below of Willow....she is such a ham!!
Daddy dancing with Scarlett to the Army music.
After we ate, we went to our little town square to watch a little of the Army Band.  If you check out this link, we actually made the front page on the paper the next morning. (yes, we are the little colorful spots way in the back). 
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