
Friday, August 03, 2012

Cousins in for the weekend

Since the baby is due in the next two weeks, we decided to have Willow' birthday party early in the month and in our city instead of our hometown (which is three hours away).  Also, we had all the August birthdays.  So we celebrated Molly's birthday too.  (and Uncle Alex).
Willow bean and Maddie at the hotel eating some pizza.  My family is so big that I can't quite house them all, so they stayed at the local hotel.  So we all went to the hotel's pool on Friday night before the party.
Willow opening her present from "Grandma Robin."  Robin and John are great friends of ours from Florida, and they sent the girls a package.  It included some things for Scarlett's surgery a week or so ago too. 
They were showing off the books that she sent.  Thank you Robin and John for being that Christian influence in our life and into our children's.  We appreciate your prayers and support!
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