
Saturday, September 29, 2012

just another day cheerin

My two little girls at Scarlett's Cheerleading Saturday!
We have been enjoying these mornings watching her have so much fun with her friends!
Afterwards, I had to grab a quick picture as we headed out for the day!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pumpkin Craft

So pumpkin craft 101 was happening in our house.  Here is the run down from Michaels = 3 craft pumpkins (all at 50% off, a rod and my old tin that I found for a few bucks at a garage sale)
So my super cool handy man drilled holes in the three pumpkins and put them on the rod.
This was the finished product that sits in the foyer.  I need to tweak it a little but it works for now.  I hope after the holiday season to snag a few more and I will have two for my front porch next year!!
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Monday, September 24, 2012

Walk A thon

Scarlett's school does ONE fundraiser a year.  YAHHH. It is a walk-a-thon. 
Each student is suggested to raise 50$....and they get a shirt = sweet.

I mean we spend that on one roll of wrapping paper anyways.  It solves the problem of calling grandparents and talking them into buying a box of chocolate.  It solves the problem of trying to go door to door and selling to every other parent.  So this was just perfect, 50$ and done for the year!!
We checked out Clifford when we were finished walking the first lap!
The girls were "sorta" posing for a picture!  Thank you to her school for putting together such a great event. 
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Everyday life

Found this random picture of us at the fair...little Lane is in the blanket somewhere.  This is me with my french fries that I have missed for the past 5 years.  I am pretty sure I couldn't eat them fast enough.(fyi, i have no idea why the picture is messed up with the caption)
Oh, Scarlett....she picks out her outfits and head bands...she just loves fashion and is really loving school. 
Then we have Willow who wants to wear the same dress or tutu everyday.
This was our finished product of our "B" we made.  We plan on making ONE every year that has all three children involved with it.  Can you see Lane's little purple hands?  I want to have them create one before the beginning of each school year.
These little treat bags were from the Browers with a box full of goodies for little Lane.  They especially wanted to take this picture for Addie Grace.
Of course, they instantly broke open their goody bags to put the glasses on. 
Willow being Willow at Scarlett's cheerleading practice.  When I go places (doctor, stores) people call her giggles.
Rocking it out!
Scarlett with the scarf and headband before school.  She said she needed a "cessyary" that day...ha
Willow reading to her babies. (note the guitar that my lovely siblings gave her for her birthday, she rocked it out with her babies first, then it was reading time)
As you view our blog, I hope you enjoy your everyday simple life.  It is so that we have a wonderful book full of memories so as our children get older they can reflect back into past years.  Thank you for taking a peek into the Butler Family. 
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

tummy and thanks

The girls LOVE tummy time at our house.
I guess they think that baby brother should be rolling all over.
I turned them all around to get this fun picture.  Now, when we do tummy time, they want to "pose" for this picture.
We are so thankful for all the thoughtful presents and gifts that have been sent our way.  Thanks Baltics for this adorable red and gray collection of things for Lane.  The strip in the back of the picture is a soother clip...YAHH.  We were really needing that!
The Ronks have always been so thoughtful and this big ol frog came in the biggest box ever...ha
We have received so many meals too, THANK YOU, THANK you!!
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Art Festival

On Sunday after church, we were off to the Mason Arts Festival. 
It was really, really cool.  We love going to art festivals and shows, thanks to our Florida neighbors, Tom and Arlene.  They introduced us to the love of art.
The kids did some fun art stuff, like get their hands and face painted.
They had little booths set up for the kids to experiment with art.
and we even got sleeping Lane involved.
The girls were loving all parts of the activities.
of course, they had ice cream at the event.
They had this really cool ensemble that the girls just loved.  The girls in the group were just in high school but they rocked it out.
This was their favorite piece of art....mmmm...wonder if it was the colors.
Overall, it was a wonderful afternoon while daddy was at the Browns game.  You can check out other events that Mason Arts Alliance does for the community. 
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Did we have a game?

Saturdays are usually game day in the fall....but for the kids, its like play day! For Ryan, well, hopefully he can watch the game as you will see all the things that can go on in one day.
My sister, Joy was in for the weekend with her little ones and here is what happened to her sandwich at lunch.  Cray got a hold of it when she walked away...
Lauren came over with her little dog, Daisy, and let me tell you, this dog might have done the trick.  My girls were in love with her!  She even had a little play pen for her...FUN, FUN!  Although, I will say, Daisy is a very good dog, and she is well mannered.
Willow was all about Daisy, with the purple hair clips.  So if y'all have dogs that my girls are afraid of, you just need to add some hair bows.
Lauren on kid duty.
Love this picture as poor Corin (the only boy) was put into dress up clothes too.
Even Cray got in on the action of Daisy.  You can see in the background, my cousin Judy to the left of Joy.  I have barely any pictures of her but she has been such a big help since we moved, even watching our girls when we had the baby until my mom got into town.
And if Tracey is around, he is usually with the kids.
And yes, he was "tossing" them into the couch when I found them.  He brought Jen with him too, but I didn't grab a picture of the two of them.  They just finished running a half that morning and stopped in.
Later on, the kids found the golf hole in our back yard and took advantage of that too.
Nothing like a great day to watch football, (as you can see, we probably stressed the hubby out) as we went on our merry way of all the activities that were going on. 
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