
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Art Festival

On Sunday after church, we were off to the Mason Arts Festival. 
It was really, really cool.  We love going to art festivals and shows, thanks to our Florida neighbors, Tom and Arlene.  They introduced us to the love of art.
The kids did some fun art stuff, like get their hands and face painted.
They had little booths set up for the kids to experiment with art.
and we even got sleeping Lane involved.
The girls were loving all parts of the activities.
of course, they had ice cream at the event.
They had this really cool ensemble that the girls just loved.  The girls in the group were just in high school but they rocked it out.
This was their favorite piece of art....mmmm...wonder if it was the colors.
Overall, it was a wonderful afternoon while daddy was at the Browns game.  You can check out other events that Mason Arts Alliance does for the community. 
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