
Saturday, January 05, 2013

UpWard Basketball

So, another UPward season has begun.  After cheering for football, which Scarlett LOVED.  We decided that we were going to put Scarlett in basketball instead of cheering for basketball.  She needed to try something different, as much as she expressed that she was NOT interested.
Honestly, we are super proud of her!  She is super little and super disinterested in basketball.  We love that she is trying it and attempting to learn.
We want her to try hard in life no matter what the situation is.
She is our soft spoken, kind hearted little girl and we wouldn't trade it for anything.
While she is learning about the game of basketball, she is learning about bigger things in life = her eternity!  We love that they take the children into the middle and talk to them about the scripture.  What a blessing this is to our children. 
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