
Monday, August 10, 2009

Water Everywhere

I know what you are thinking...

water everywhere...

her water finally broke....

well, not the case...

and hopefully not for a few days until Ryan gets back to Florida...

Sunday evening, after spending a relaxing evening celebrating our pastors wife's 40th birthday, I came home to water ALL OVER our garage, leaking out the front, running down the driveway and our water heater had leaked, broke, bit the bullet, finished, quit and it had decided that watching a 38 week pregnant women clean up a disaster would be a wonderful end to the evening.

I have wonderful neighbors though, who help out in times of need like this one, so within HOURS, i had everything under control although i went without water for 24 hours... needless to say if my water would have broke, that would have been the only water Scarlett and I saw for a while.

Flushing the toilets with our pool water was great, washing our hands using water bottles was even better, and leaving the dirty dishes in the sink was priceless

However, within hours of opening, scarlett and I packed up, went to lowes and had NO problem spending Ryan's money on a great looking water heater... we bought the best looking one (although they had no pink or red ones) that we thought would look great in our even has this cool gizmo that we can turn on when we are gone for weeks upon weeks...its engery efficient, although i think we have to live here for 15 years to see the benefits... needless to say by 5:00 p.m. monday, we had running water.

Don't ever take for granted the opportunity to shower, flush your toilet, wash your hands, wash your face, run your dishwasher, use your washer.. which were all things i seemed to need to do within that 24 hour window of NO WATER!

off to the beach on tuesday morning, where we should find plenty of water!!

pictures will be up soon of our wonderful new water heater!!

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