Dear my baby Willow,
Around 6:15 a.m., I woke up with a different type of kick in my belly. I went back to sleep and about 10 minutes later woke up with the same kick as before. You continued until about 7:15 and I was getting no sleep and wondering if you were going to come into the world on Wednesday, August 26, 2009. I thought I had better get into the shower incase the contractions were real. As the hour progressed, the contractions progressed in time and pain. I remember combing my hair and then huddling over in pain knowing this is it. The feeling is amazing and I am SO glad that the doctors didn’t pursue to induce you like they wanted to. By 9:00, we were finally out the door as your grandma Bonnie was staying to watch Scarlett. As we drove our 45 minutes to the airport the contractions were 5 minutes apart, at this time we were following a police officer and Daddy went around him but we never got pulled over. Daddy dropped me off at the front door and I went into the 2nd floor of Flagler Hospital of St. Augustine to be admitted. First, they took me into a room where they check vitals and to make sure that you are in labor, but after seeing that my contractions were about 3 minutes apart, they moved me instantly to the room where I delivered you. Mary, the nurse, checked to see how much I had dilated and I was at 6 around 10:00. After much blood was taken and vitals were done, they gave me my medicine for strep B. This medicine has to be in my system for 4 hours. They weren’t sure if we were going to make 4 hours. After waiting for the blood results and sitting through a few hours of contraction pain, they finally gave me my epidural; I was dilated to 8 by noon. The pain reliever was setting in and things were slowing down and they told me not to push or move until 1:45. At that time, the doctor came in to tell me that I was completely dilated and that they could break my water and you would pop out. However, we decided to wait until my water broke, which it did around 4:00p.m. At 4:00, the doctor came back into the room, talked to me about things, got prepped and ready to go. I remember looking at the clock at 4:15 thinking, how long are you going to make me push. At 4:15, the doctor said, “Let’s do this” and I pushed for 15 minutes and the sweetest little baby came rolling out and was put into my arms. You didn’t make a peep. You were so calm, gentle and tiny. You were officially born at 4:28 p.m. and I loved every minute of it. It was a wonderful experience much like your sisters. The nurses were wonderful and daddy was so proud. They checked all of your vitals and you were a healthy 7 pounds 9 ounces. When I looked at you, I fell in love with you instantly and thanked God that we were blessed to have you in our family.
love your mommy
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