
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Florida Hospital Memorial

The girls and I went to visit the grand opening of the Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center Cancer Institute.

This is a CT and it had one of the latest technologies added to it. It has a wide bore 16 slice CT scanner, which is a state of the art CT.  The man thought I was crazy but I tried to explain that I would later like to show the girls. (really i just wanted to blog about the really nice machine)

After the tour, they had a snack (it was a feast) and we chilled outside and enjoyed the Florida "fall."

The girls loved the weather, the fun and the tour.  It was nice to visit such a great facility in our own backyard (ok, about 20 minutes away).  This facility has a christian mission of hope, health and healing.  After a great day at MOPS at our local church, nap, and swimming lessons.  It was great to end the day with a load of pink and fun.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are we rockin the old navy shirt?...looks great!...I want some bows....where can I get some ??....Dana :)