
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

back to 1

Meet Amber, my nurse during my stay at the Marriott (aka the Fairfield Mercy Hospital).  I was only going to stay for one night but since I stayed for two, well, I just had a party in my room.  She was wonderful and as I mentioned earlier we are going to have her little girls meet my little girls (they are close in age).  Anyways, Lane was one spoiled little guy.  They all were checking on you and holding you throughout the whole weekend we were there!
Our two little girls are with the grandparents and we are missing them, which means we are back to ONE (thank goodness only for a few days, as I am missing them like crazy).  I am guessing that they are getting spoiled too.
Then we brought our little Lane home and he has just been the sweetest little thing.

Lane:  We are so lucky to be your momma and daddy.  You have melted our hearts.  You love to snuggle and sleep.  We are loving everything about you.

Aunt Joy, Aunt Amy, and your cousins (Molly, Megan and Tori) were waiting for you at the house when we got home from the hospital on Sunday night.  Aunt Joy took some fabulous pictures!!!

She also snapped some of me snuggling with my little guy.

 These crazy girls were just hanging out in the nursery while Joy took pictures!!

 Sweet Lane Joseph - 3 days old

Ryan was in the room as Joy was taking pictures and he was telling Lane that he was so sorry that he had to go through the photo op....However, Joy then politely reminded Ryan that we wouldn't have to buy the pictures from the hospital and Ryan started to help Joy take pictures....ha

Our sweet, sweet friends John and Robin Grow stopped in to see Lane the next day.  We met them in Florida and they go to our church in Palm Coast.  We are so thankful for our relationship with them.  We talk to them often as John and I are involved with a few projects, and Robin guides me and helps in my everyday walk with God.  I was like a giddy school girl when they called and said they were on their way to our house.  You can check out John's blog HERE.
Too bad these didn't arrive a little earlier in the day, I could have pretended I baked all day for John and Robin. 
The fruit editable basket was wonderful too.  Thanks Lauren!!

One of the first bible verses Scarlett learned in preschool last year fits this perfectly.  It is part of Psalm 139:14.  It makes me think of my children that I am so thankful for. 
 I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

                                           Last year, Scarlett tried to figure out why she was fearful and wonderful....
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1 comment:

davis anderson peters said...

A huge congrats to you all! Lane is absolutely beautiful and Willow and Scarlett are gonna love having a baby around!! I love the pict. with Willow holding Lane and Scarlett is in the background posing.... it's awesome!
Ya'll have a blast with this little bundle & keep posting so we can watch him grow from a distance!!

