
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pink it up!!!

One of the only families that we knew when moving to back to Ohio in this specific area was my cousin Judy(and family).  Her mom and my grandpa are siblings.  So of course, it is wonderful when you can do things together, but more importantly have someone you can trust.  She does some amazing things (which shouldn't surprise you because you know, we are related).  She does this "volley for the cure." which is based off of raising money for breast cancer and is held during a volleyball game every year.  Of course, we were at this event.  Look at some other reasons why we would be supportive from these past blogs HERE and HERE and most recently the 5k that takes place in our old town and blog post written by my sweet friend Candy, HERE.
The girls and I love pink, what better way to support family!
Judy and John's youngest plays volleyball so the girls LOVED cheering her on!! They do raffle baskets, sell shirts and all sorts of things.  It was so much fun!
I made some goodies!!!
and some breast cancer cupcakes!  We had such a good time for such a great cause!!
As a side note, I made these little "candy corn cheesecakes" for Willow's preschool teachers.  So much fun to make in the month of October too, you can find them on pinterest too!!
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