
Sunday, August 07, 2011

Fort Lauderdale

So, my dad was preaching down in Fort Lauderdale so Scarlett and I headed down south to visit with them for the weekend.

My kids play hotel and airplane all the time.  I was trying to figure out why they are always playing "airplane, or hotel, or ohio." but i guess its because that is usually what we are doing.

One of the reasons it was just Scarlett and I down south was because Ryan and Willow were up north.  Daddy had a work meeting for about a week, and since Willow was still under 2, she is free to fly.  So Willow went to spend some time with grandparents.  It was a fun and relaxing weekend for mommy.  My mom and dad took Scarlett most of the weekend.  I literally sat and did some work, relaxed and read, went shopping and just enjoyed some me time.

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