
Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh Fun, Fun

It is so nice to get together with some girlfriends and just chill out.  We were celebrating Kristen's birthday (she is in the middle, right behind Jill).  We went to this winery type of place and it was nice to catch up on how excited they all are to go back to teaching.  I met all of these girls by finishing my masters at their school.  Now, they have scattered across the district. 

Hanging out at McDonalds is usually what we do when we are BORED and its RAINING. 

Sweet little Kira and Scarlett posing at the library.  We went to the library one day to hang out with some girls from our church playgroup.  Please pray for Kira's mommy as she is due in December. 

Our sweet and dear friends, The Rife family.  Over the years in Palm Coast, we have become close to them. 
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