
Monday, June 14, 2010

Mawmaw Jackie

I found more pictures from when the Lance's were in town.

You see, I have two camera's. One that goes in the diaper bag and is about as big as my hand and another nice camera that looks all professional but I have no idea how to use it. Ryan bought it for me for Christmas. I have just recently uploaded all my pictures from my little diaper bag camera and what do you know... pictures from months ago...ha

So here is Willow at the beach when the Lances were here.


Scarlett LOVED with a capital L all the attention from Joel and Jackie while they were here. There kids usually come too but this time they were going to the Carolinas so just Joel and Jackie came ALL the way to down Florida.


She played and played.


She just loved Peyton's grandma...Mawmaw Jackie as Scarlett called her.

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