
Saturday, October 02, 2010

Run, Run as fast as you can

I ran in the St. Augustine 5k this weekend with a few girls from church.

I have been working out more serious for the past month, but this week decided that maybe I should finish three miles at the gym to see if I can make it.  I just about passed out running it in 30 minutes. 

So my goal was to get under 30 minutes at the 5k.

I reached my goal, I was so excited.  The girls were excited too.  I loved that Ryan brought them to my 8:00 a.m.  run about 40 minutes away.  We had a busy weekend as you will see.  I finished 124 out of 865 runners and my time was 26:50.  Now, I am going to try and train for another 4 weeks and run another 5k the first part of November. 
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