
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scarlett's 1st Dentist Trip

I try to think I am an O.K. mom.  really.  However, after taking Scarlett to the dentist my thoughts drastically hit the bottom.

Let's start with the basics.  Scarlett finally started to drink juice this year for real.  She still won't eat candy until recently and even that is a struggle.  Every time we go through the bank drive thru, she always ask for a doggy bone because she doesn't like the suckers....REALLY.  and to think this child has 3 cavities. Yes, I said THREE>  Yes, they have to sedate her and put in the fillings.  Yes, she has her mother's teeth.  Yes, the Dr. said its not really what she eats but has a lot to do with everything soft enamel and etc.... I am pretty sure I never went to the dentist before 5, is it what we are feeding our children....ahhh, this is frustrating.  By this time, I was no longer listening, thinking of all the dreading bills and teeth problems this child will have.  I was thinking I should have waited until she was 5 at this point, right? So thankful for dental insurance but I am pretty sure when Scarlett goes to get "dental insurance" they will tell her she had pre-existing problems...ha
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1 comment:

CristinB said...

Please don't get discouraged, Jill. Her permanent teeth will be perfect!!