
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Drum roll please

Yes, many changes are going on right now in our house before I leave for ohio for about 4 weeks.... although Ryan will still be here in Florida on and off.....

We are changing the office into the girls room and this is the start and i will update you on the finished product!!

I know its green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Out with the old

In with the new!!!

Ryan is loving his new flat screen .... he says he is not sure how he ever watched sports on the other ones, and i told him i was so thinking the same thing...

amy and the others who laugh at me, you think i couldn't run the other tv, you should see me with this one ... its quite confusing.

other notes:
- went to the baby dr. friday, i had a long day
- still painting
-almost done with shower thank you's
- one more week of school and then SUMMER
- the house is so peaceful at 6:00 and i love getting so much done
- heading to the gym in the next 15 minutes and will be back to wake everyone up
-scarlett is going to dance and then we are going over to michelle's to hang out at the pool
- daddy is sending mommy to the beach (if it doesn't rain) for a few hours later this afternoon... yippeeee
- scarlett is totally confused with where daddy was this week ....she keeps saying " no, my iami ... " not sure if you get that but the Mi in miami she thinks is
- daddy is going to to new orleans this week
- the state is coming in to assess our preschool while i am gone, and they really want me to stay for a few weeks ....i have been helping them with paper stuff that i know way to much about .... now its come to bite me because i feel obligated to do it....
- joy, sam and kora lily are doing great in germany
- busy sunday... sunday school, church, afternoon birthday party, last small group study at church and then we break for the summer!!

GO CAVS .... can they pull it off ....not sure if ryan is going to the game...
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1 comment:

Steve said...

Glad to see your T.V. has been upgraded.