
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I still can't believe this girl is ONE. 
She is such a rockstar
(which by the way, one of the names we were going to use was "Roxy")
She has just really been taking off with walking.  She has been cruising along things for awhile.
 Scarlett was walking right at one and well, Willow bean decided to start a few weeks later. 

This morning we went to mommy's bible study (the kids go to Ms. Norma and Ms. Fran, who are wonderful in the nursery) and then we were off to the beach for an hour or so.  The girls are so fun at the beach. 

The Wayne County Fair is going on in Ohio right now, and I sure love me some "fair fries."  I am trying to convince myself that its a good thing, right?  Fries are loaded with calories, right?
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1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm with you on the fair fries - sure do miss the Wayne Co Fair.