
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blessed world

On Saturday evening, late after church we met up for a late dinner date with our Pastor, his wife and friends.  Pete (in the green) went to Cambodia with our Parkview Team.  Pete and his lovely wife, Rochelle were in town so we were able to see them for a little bit before we all left town.  The influence that these two couples have had on us, especially our Pastor and his wife is really quite amazing.
You see our lives have changed forever.  We know that we don't just want to know about Jesus.  We want to have a relationship with Him as well.  We are so blessed to have this constant reminder around us by our church family. 
Not only do we want to have a relationship with Him, but with His people too.
We want to reach out.  We want to involve the community.  We want to spread the Good News.
So much so that our youth pastor, Barry (who was our pastors brother) went to start another church in Nashville.  (we were able to visit with them over the summer.)  You can check out his family blog HERE.
Spending time with sisters in faith is undescribable.  It's safe, its protective, its memorable, its Godly.
Last but not least, it instills a footprint on our children.  This is our pastors son, Seth who of course loves the camera and making faces.  We are so thankful for such a Godly, faith filled church that we were apart of while we were in Florida. 
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