
Monday, September 14, 2009


We received this wonderful box in the mail as a surprise that i believe my Aunt marilyn and cousin Angie were behind.


Scarlett loved it!!

I tried to take a picture of some of the cute things we received.

It came as a wonderful lift me up as Willow was having a rough day.


Uncle sam, Aunt Joy and Kora Lily sent this beautiful H&M outfit from Germany!! LOVE IT!!

WHAT TO DO WITH THE BOX when it is empty and the trash doesn't come for a few days???

Let your two year old play in it and throw all the white peanuts out into the floor!


We really can't thank everyone enough for all of the meals, cards, gifts and love during the past month. We continue to get a package daily and its super cool for Scarlett to open... I haven't even been able to post all the pictures and catch up on thank yous!!
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1 comment:

Angie said...

the last pic is my favorite...especially since both my kids played in it for the three days it sat here before being shipped, lol.